Tuesday, I cried in Target. But Hey, what's new?
Last Tuesday I cried in Target. It started in Clothing (of course) but I held back and didn't let it pour until the candle isle (a historically sacred space for me). This season of life has been a tough one, hence the Target tears. My schedule has demanded so much of me; I've been running off of little sleep, been working every day and have felt the weight of what an unhealthy pace does to our hearts and bodies. Simply put, I've been exhausted and depressed and have just been waiting for relief.
I work for a church, so Easter's basically my super bowl. So, I've been thinking a lot this week about how human history changed in the span of three days. How the time between the cross and the empty tomb was a blink yet felt like an eternity. And how so often, my stress and anxiety and fear comes from the things that will be completely changed in a matter of days. Easter reminds me how God is constantly urging me on, walking beside me, championing me to hold on. Reminding me that my world can drastically shift in 72 hours, that there is a hope bigger than my timeline and that despite it all HE is good.
When I'm confused about my place in all of this, He is good.
When I'm questioning the trajectory of my life, He is good.
When the hurt and pain of the people around me seems never-ending, He is good.
When I'm leaving a trail of salty liquid behind me in Target, He is good.
I need to say this over and over again because most days I struggle to believe. I want these words to live on my lips and inside my ribcage, so even on the days I'm treading water, the depths of me will still believe He is making all things new.
No matter what this season has looked like for you, I hope this Easter weekend is a chance to pause, to sit in the silence and grace of what Christ has done for you. Sit with the love He is hell bent on lavishing over you, the acceptance He won't stop offering you, and the hope of a better tomorrow, a dawn that is faithful to arrive over and over again.
If we'll just hold on a few more days.